"For Today and it's Blessings, I owe the World an Attitude of Gratitude." -Unknown
Looking back at the events of today, I can see its ups and downs, Its high points and low points, Places where I did good and places where I could've done better.
If I look back at the past week, I can see the same.
If I look back at the past year, I can see the same.
If I stand on my tip-toes, squint my eyes, and look really hard down the 21 years of my life, I can see the same.
These ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad, mold and shape us into the people we are today and the people that we will become tomorrow.
Most of us can remember the days of sunshine that present us with the brightest outlook on life and the confidence to conquer whoever and whatever steps in front of us. The days that give us the faith to believe. The days that inspire us to be more. The days we are strong.The days we believe in ourselves and believe in our dreams. The days we feel secure.
Most of us can also testify, firsthand, to the days of shadow that cloud our judgement and fill our hearts with overwhelming doubt. The days where we feel isolated. The days we feel we are not important enough to be seen or valued enough to be heard. The days we fear hope. The days we lose our inspiration. The days we bleed.The days we search for security.
It's in these days that we forget. It's in these days that we lose our grip instead of holding tight. It's in these days that we become like the Israelites when they came to Red Sea. They had forgotten the Seven Plagues that reeked havoc on the Egyptians and cost them dearly, leaving the Israelites untouched. Despite the fact that they were guided by a mysterious pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of blazing fire by night, they forgot. When they were stuck between the Red Sea and the enclosing Egyptians, they did not believe, they forgot! They had witnessed several miracles with their own eyes of God's favor and saving hand, and yet, they panicked! They cried out to God and to Moses saying, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!" (Ex.13:11-12)
The nerve!
Moses relied to them, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Ex. 13:13-14)
Isn't that beautiful? "The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still." This is the answer to our searching days of shadow. Just be still. Don't mourn the days that used to be and don't search for better days to come. Just be still. Your deliverance is just around the corner. If you are too busy searching for the security and answers your heart longs for, you may just miss it.
"For Today and it's Blessings, I owe the World an Attitude of Gratitude." Each day is a priceless gift regardless of the weather.
Loved it Kayla! Thanks for sharing! What a treasure the Word is!