This video by Three Days Grace illustrates the idea of LOVE in the form of protection so beautifully...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A visual illustration of LOVE in the form of protection...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Every Heart NEEDS to be Fought For
LOVE in the form of protection, acceptance, validation, and physical touch are essential to the human heart.
I began reading the book, Captivating last summer, during my tour with 13FLOOR in Europe . The journey it has taken me on has been incredible! I met a girl my age in Belgium who carried the book with her from her home in the States, because she knew the Lord wanted her to pass it on to a heart that needed it. After only a few short of hours of cleaning, stacking chairs, and peeling tape off a truck...God spoke. Mine was the heart that needed the book and I am so thankful for Elise and her obedience to God's voice.
In the book, John and Stasi Eldredge articulate beautifully the silenced cry of our hearts as women. God designed a woman's heart to be soft, gentle, nurturing, etc. There is so much on this topic to be explored, but Im going to save that for another rainy day and focus on the dusty corner of every girl's heart that yearns to be fought for. In almost every fairytale, the climax of our story builds with the struggle of our beauty trapped and hurt (or sleeping) while our hero is fighting to rescue her. He's fighting with everything he has to protect her.
That LOVE shown in form of protection speaks enormous volumes to the little girls, young women, middle-aged mothers, and even old grannys in your life. It speaks to that dusty corner that most of us have forgotten about. It says, "You are someone special. You are precious. You are valued. You are worthy of my effort." Perhaps, you understand this volume, because you have once (or even many times) intervened and stepped in front of your beloved to protect her heart. Or perhaps you understand because you are someone's beloved.
Now, I want you to imagine...nobody has EVER fought for you.
Maybe you don't need to imagine.
Every Heart NEEDS to be Fought For.

Jana's Heart NEEDS to be fought for. At 15 years old, her chances and hope of being someone's beloved is drifting away from her. This September birthday will bring no joy for Jana, only reality. The reality of being turned out of the orphanage. The reality of having to find herself a job, a place to live, and way to survive. The statistics of Jana's survival are slim. Within 5years, 90% of the orphans end up in crime, prison, prostitution,drug addiction, or homeless. Another 5% commit suicide. The primary means of birth control is abortion. The average woman has 8 abortions before she is 40 years old.
Kevin and Cindy Tuttle, along with myself and others are fighting to protect Jana's heart from this reality. I have not had the opportunity to meet her, but Kevin and his daughter Kristen did while they were in Latvia, finalizing paperwork on the adoption of their son and brother, Aleks. Aleks and Jana are from the same orphanage. Jana is waiting for her Forever Family to take her home. And I believe, that her Forever Family is looking for her right now.
Join me in the MOVEMENT for Jana's heart!
I began reading the book, Captivating last summer, during my tour with 13FLOOR in Europe . The journey it has taken me on has been incredible! I met a girl my age in Belgium who carried the book with her from her home in the States, because she knew the Lord wanted her to pass it on to a heart that needed it. After only a few short of hours of cleaning, stacking chairs, and peeling tape off a truck...God spoke. Mine was the heart that needed the book and I am so thankful for Elise and her obedience to God's voice.
In the book, John and Stasi Eldredge articulate beautifully the silenced cry of our hearts as women. God designed a woman's heart to be soft, gentle, nurturing, etc. There is so much on this topic to be explored, but Im going to save that for another rainy day and focus on the dusty corner of every girl's heart that yearns to be fought for. In almost every fairytale, the climax of our story builds with the struggle of our beauty trapped and hurt (or sleeping) while our hero is fighting to rescue her. He's fighting with everything he has to protect her.
That LOVE shown in form of protection speaks enormous volumes to the little girls, young women, middle-aged mothers, and even old grannys in your life. It speaks to that dusty corner that most of us have forgotten about. It says, "You are someone special. You are precious. You are valued. You are worthy of my effort." Perhaps, you understand this volume, because you have once (or even many times) intervened and stepped in front of your beloved to protect her heart. Or perhaps you understand because you are someone's beloved.
Now, I want you to imagine...nobody has EVER fought for you.
Maybe you don't need to imagine.
Every Heart NEEDS to be Fought For.

Jana's Heart NEEDS to be fought for. At 15 years old, her chances and hope of being someone's beloved is drifting away from her. This September birthday will bring no joy for Jana, only reality. The reality of being turned out of the orphanage. The reality of having to find herself a job, a place to live, and way to survive. The statistics of Jana's survival are slim. Within 5years, 90% of the orphans end up in crime, prison, prostitution,drug addiction, or homeless. Another 5% commit suicide. The primary means of birth control is abortion. The average woman has 8 abortions before she is 40 years old.
Kevin and Cindy Tuttle, along with myself and others are fighting to protect Jana's heart from this reality. I have not had the opportunity to meet her, but Kevin and his daughter Kristen did while they were in Latvia, finalizing paperwork on the adoption of their son and brother, Aleks. Aleks and Jana are from the same orphanage. Jana is waiting for her Forever Family to take her home. And I believe, that her Forever Family is looking for her right now.
Join me in the MOVEMENT for Jana's heart!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
LOVE in Movement
I've decided to title this blog and journal journey, LOVE in Movement for many reasons.
1. LOVE is best demonstrated through actions (MOVEMENT). Words are hollow when they are not carried through.
2. LOVE in the form of protection, acceptance, validation, and physical touch are essential to the human heart.
3. LOVE is powerful. It can bring healing, restoration, peace, comfort, hope, inspiration, and life when demonstrated unselfishly. LOVE withheld, whether by choice or circumstance, kills and destroys.
4. The concept of LOVE and how to truly LOVE people and The Lord has been an ongoing journey for my heart.
5.Because I am a dancer and my heart and LOVE for Christ is expressed through MOVEMENT.
6. MOVEMENT is work and LOVE is work. Both require continual maintenance and care.
7. LOVE is used between 300 and 500 times in the Bible depending on what version you read. Leading me to believe that it's not something to be taken lightly.
8. Because LOVE is a sacrifice. When Christ humbled Himself to Earth and began His slow MOVEMENT towards His inevitable death...He made the ultimate sacrifice. And through this, we can live life and live it abundantly.
I have a heavy heart for the emotional healing, restoration, and freedom of God's People. This Passion for People and Passion for MOVEMENT is a flame that I hope The Lord ignites and keeps burning for a long time. I want to make take this heavy heart and LOVE for dance, and combine them into a MOVEMENT Ministry that release God's People into freedom and worship. At the same time, I am conflicted with the reality of life. Passion doesn't feed families, pay bills, buy groceries, buy a car, then fill my tank for 2.84 a gallon. But then, I read the verses in Matthew 6 and my perspective changes...
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't there more to life than food and isn't there more to the body than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky: they do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you more valuable than they are? And which of you by worry can add even one hour to his life? Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers of the field grow; they do not work or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his glory was clothed like one of these! And if this how God clothes the wild grass, which is here today and tossed into the fire to heat the oven, won't he clothe you even more, you people of little faith? So then, do not worry saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For the unconverted pursue these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But above all, pursue His Kingdom and Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:25-34
When I look behind me and see the valleys the Lord has walked me through, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and LOVE for this season of sunshine and peace. Then I think of how people can walk through valleys alone, or simply give up, set up camp, and stay in their valleys. I want them to experience holding Christ's hand as He walks them through difficult times. I want them to be awed by the beauty of freedom that's waiting for them on the other side. And want them to remember the days of sunshine. So when it rains and we find ourselves in a valley again, we will push through the race set before us.
I'm still not sure how The Lord is gonna use these Passions exactly, but I know that they were not layed upon my heart for nothing. There is a reason for this burden, and I must do something about it.
LOVE in Movement is the piecing of a puzzle that reveals a bigger picture...
1. LOVE is best demonstrated through actions (MOVEMENT). Words are hollow when they are not carried through.
2. LOVE in the form of protection, acceptance, validation, and physical touch are essential to the human heart.
3. LOVE is powerful. It can bring healing, restoration, peace, comfort, hope, inspiration, and life when demonstrated unselfishly. LOVE withheld, whether by choice or circumstance, kills and destroys.
4. The concept of LOVE and how to truly LOVE people and The Lord has been an ongoing journey for my heart.
5.Because I am a dancer and my heart and LOVE for Christ is expressed through MOVEMENT.
6. MOVEMENT is work and LOVE is work. Both require continual maintenance and care.
7. LOVE is used between 300 and 500 times in the Bible depending on what version you read. Leading me to believe that it's not something to be taken lightly.
8. Because LOVE is a sacrifice. When Christ humbled Himself to Earth and began His slow MOVEMENT towards His inevitable death...He made the ultimate sacrifice. And through this, we can live life and live it abundantly.
I have a heavy heart for the emotional healing, restoration, and freedom of God's People. This Passion for People and Passion for MOVEMENT is a flame that I hope The Lord ignites and keeps burning for a long time. I want to make take this heavy heart and LOVE for dance, and combine them into a MOVEMENT Ministry that release God's People into freedom and worship. At the same time, I am conflicted with the reality of life. Passion doesn't feed families, pay bills, buy groceries, buy a car, then fill my tank for 2.84 a gallon. But then, I read the verses in Matthew 6 and my perspective changes...
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't there more to life than food and isn't there more to the body than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky: they do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you more valuable than they are? And which of you by worry can add even one hour to his life? Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers of the field grow; they do not work or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his glory was clothed like one of these! And if this how God clothes the wild grass, which is here today and tossed into the fire to heat the oven, won't he clothe you even more, you people of little faith? So then, do not worry saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For the unconverted pursue these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But above all, pursue His Kingdom and Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:25-34
When I look behind me and see the valleys the Lord has walked me through, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and LOVE for this season of sunshine and peace. Then I think of how people can walk through valleys alone, or simply give up, set up camp, and stay in their valleys. I want them to experience holding Christ's hand as He walks them through difficult times. I want them to be awed by the beauty of freedom that's waiting for them on the other side. And want them to remember the days of sunshine. So when it rains and we find ourselves in a valley again, we will push through the race set before us.
I'm still not sure how The Lord is gonna use these Passions exactly, but I know that they were not layed upon my heart for nothing. There is a reason for this burden, and I must do something about it.
LOVE in Movement is the piecing of a puzzle that reveals a bigger picture...
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